Everything that has breath — the goal of worship


What does worship look like? What does it sound like? Where does it get done? Who gets included? And what is the purpose of it all anyway?

As the Psalms conclude, they do so with an intense exclamation of worship. The last five psalms are a set, each of them beginning and ending with that incredible Hebrew word that has found its way into every language in the world and from every musical genre from blues to pop to heavy metal: Hallelujah!

And then there’s that wild frenzy that finishes it off, Psalm 150, which must have inspired Handel’s own magnificent Hallelujah chorus. Cymbals are crashing left and right, clashing, resounding cymbals. Trumpets are blasting. People are dancing. The music of stringed instruments mixes with that of pipes. Guitars wail. Keyboards are hammered on.

Salvos of sound lift higher and higher in an ever-growing wave of worship before one last reverberating…

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